2014 New England Black Belt Camp and Dan Shim Sa
2014 Southeastern Regional Championships and Dan Shim Sa
The Art of Dae Ryun - Building the Foundation, Part 4
The Art of Dae Ryun - Building the Foundation, Part 4
In part 4 of our series on the Art of Dae Ryun, I want to discuss Da Soo Dae Ryun or group sparring in more detail. To do this, we need to break down Da Soo Dae Ryun into three (3) basic categories.
2014 APTSDF TAC Tour - The Art of Dae Ryun (Building the Foundation)
This year’s Technical Advisory Committee’s “TAC” Tour was the best to date. The tour which was conducted by Grandmaster John St. James, 8th Dan and Senior Master Michael Jett, 5th Dan started in early February in Louisiana and just wrapped up a week ago in Lindale, Texas. During the four (4) week seminar tour, Kwan Jang Nim and Master Jett taught 435 students from eleven (11) different states making this year’s tour over 100 students larger than any tour before it.
The Art of Dae Ryun - Building the Foundation, Part 3
The Art of Dae Ryun - Building the Foundation, Part 3
In part 3 of our series on the Art of Dae Ryun, I want to discuss Ja Yu Dae Ryun or free sparring in more detail. To do this, we need to break down Ja Yu Dae Ryun into three (3) basic categories.
The Art of Dae Ryun - Building the Foundation, Part 2
The Art of Dae Ryun - Building the Foundation, Part 2
In part 2 of our series on the Art of Dae Ryun, I want to discuss Yak Sok Dae Ryun or pre-arranged sparring in more detail. To do this, we need to break down Yak Sok Dae Ryun into three basic categories.
The Art of Dae Ryun - Building the Foundation
The Art of Dae Ryun - Building the Foundation
In this series, we are going to explore the art of Dae Ryun (sparring) and why it is a critical part of your Tang Soo Do training.
When speaking about Dae Ryun, it is important to understand that there are many different types of Dae Ryun.
2013 Southwestern Regional Championships and Dan Shim Sa
2013 APTSDF Southeastern Regional Black Belt Camp
The Southeastern region of the Atlantic-Pacific Tang Soo Do Federation had its annual Instructor’s Symposium and Black Belt Camp on the weekend of November 1 – 3, 2013. Everything was held once again at Camp ASCCA in Jackson’s Gap, AL. The Instructor Training Symposium (ITS) & Camp started on Friday morning November 1st at 9am. We had over 170 Masters, instructors, and instructor trainees coming together for the weekend to learn, grow, and share.